Cyber Resiliency

The Cyber Threat Environment

Cyberattacks are a real and growing threat in today’s digital world. A recent The Business Continuity Cyber Resilience Report March 2023 described 74% of companies consider a cyberattack one of the top threats to their organization within the next five years. According to a report, in September 2022, the average data breach cost in the United States increased from $9.05 to $9.44 million in 2022. It is not a question of if your company will experience a cyberattack, but when, and therefore, the question is: is your company prepared for this eventuality? Cyberattacks can come from many directions; therefore, companies require a threat-informed, holistic approach to evaluating their security posture. Touchstone Futures offers a threat-informed approach to cybersecurity that assesses a company’s cybersecurity posture and evaluates its preparedness for a cyberattack. This work results in a better cybersecurity posture for the company with a clear understanding of cyber risk for business continuity.


Consequence Management Decision

Cyberattacks (phishing, malware, infections, ransomware, and denial-of-service (DoS)) attacks may result in significant financial losses and reputational damage.

Decision Advantage & Proactive Mitigation

We help you posture your company to identify, prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber incidents. Furthermore, we help formulate risk mitigation plans and stress-test your plan for increased cyber preparedness.

Why is NIST important?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2020 update, provides a voluntary set of guidelines, standards, and best practices designed to help organizations manage and reduce risk.

This framework comprises five core functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. Each function provides categories and subcategories with specific guidance on managing cybersecurity risk. The framework design is flexible and adaptable to the needs of any organization, regardless of its size, industry, or cybersecurity maturity.

Our Solution - Cyber Preparedness

Preparing for a cyber threat involves taking a threat-informed proactive and strategic approach to effectively managing cyber risks and threats. Touchstone Futures provides a holistic approach to the cyber threat within three domains; people, technology, and processes. We tailor our process through client engagement by applying our methodology to arrive at a shared understanding of your company’s current cyber maturity. Our offerings include assessment, simulation, and risk management for practice, testing, and validation inside a company’s environment. The process creates a reinforcing function inside a company’s people, technology, and processes, resulting in a cyber-prepared organization that is ready for the evolving threat and understands its level of preparedness through a proactively managed risk framework.

Touchstone Futures Framework


  • Identify potential threats

  • Identify and evaluate the risks

  • Identify vulnerabilities

  • Develop a threat model

  • Identify security shortfalls

  • Client monitors and updates


  • Evaluate your response plan

  • Exercise your plan

  • Analyze the results

  • Recommend risk informed improvements

Risk Management

  • Evaluate your response plan

  • Exercise your plan

  • Analyze the results

  • Recommend risk informed improvements

About Touchstone Futures

Touchstone Futures provides deep expertise in strategy, strategy execution, and risk management honed by our collective service within US Government cyberspace, intelligence, special operations, logistics, and budget disciplines. Our team of proven professionals excelled in navigating complex and high-stress environments while delivering results. We pride ourselves in providing unique perspectives and problem-solving approaches to identify solutions and opportunities for your challenges. We are confident that our collective experience, networks, and advocacy will accelerate your growth.